Perlite is a naturally accuring, volcanic rock. When furnaced at high temperatures, Perute “pops” and expands up to 15 limes its original volume. The resulting. lightweight particles are made up of microscopic soheres with a porous, broken surace tha promoes olant arouth. This allows acration and drainace of the root sustem and provides holding capacitu tor water and

Packaging: 20 It – 100 lt PE Bags
Grades: Medium (1-4 mm Coarse (2-6 mm) Premium (3-8)
Ph: 6,5 Loose Density: 70 kg/m3
Perlite is used as soil regulator or as an agent for decreasing water losses. good soil reculator expected o nave nen userus water capocky, nign thermal capacity with low amounts of salt and low hea condudintu level. Al these characteristes are applicable to PERLAGRO Perlite.
1-Due lo its dainage and aeration properties when mixed with heavy and adhesive soils PERLAGRO Pertite prevents cracking, pudding, swelling and shrinkage and formation of slipping layer.
2-PERLAGRO Pertite used as soil regulator a Grepphouse ensires rouch soil stacturo incroasos water holding capacity of soil and the avallbilty of nutrients.
With the help of PERLAGRO Perlite physical properties of greenhouse soil, which happen to be more important than chemical ones, may be changed as desired. A 4-5 cm thick PERLAGRO Perlite lager applied at greenhouse with underground ingation and ono inoccion susterns decreases waterino necessitu in hal
Your Content Goes HerFOR ROOTING MEDIA
PERLAGRO PERLITE is succesfully used in rooting of flowers, vegetables or fruits both in pure contidion as well as in mixtures
• If soil is also required in rooting mix, it is recomended to use stenlized sai, organic material and PERLAGRO
PERUITE at a 11:5 ratio.
• Using PERLAGRO PERLITE for rooting purposes provides eithier root growth.
• It is important for rooling media to be properly watered and for necessary moisture and temperature levels preserved theree
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All of our products that we use are Eco Friendly and good for the environment.
All of our products that we use are Eco Friendly and good for the environment.
All of our products that we use are Eco Friendly and good for the environment.
All of our products that we use are Eco Friendly and good for the environment.
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All of our products that we use are Eco Friendly and good for the environment.
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